I manage data—extracting it from legacy systems; developing workflows to clean, tramsform, and assemble data from structured and unstructured sources; and implementing relational databases, XML databases, and graph databases to make that data available for analysis.
I partner with teams to implement data models that are specific to the task at hand, testing those models against reality, and working though issues methodically. I detect anomolies and write scripts to solve data problems in bulk, and write reports and produce visualizations to describe data issues in detail.
Most of my experience is in cultural heritage digitization, and I’m especially skilled with digital images and media files. I’ve written machine vision scripts to intelligently rotate, crop and align photographs. I have set up large format scanning workstations and managed the digitization of rare, fragile materials, training workers to produce high quality images while carefully handling materials.
Finally, I work to create search and browse interfaces that let users explore datasets from different perspectives. I approach this process from a user-centered perspective (I have a degree in Design Methods), always working to identify key use cases and making sure that systems are quick and responsive to user needs.
This site contains examples of some of the data management projects I’ve worked on along with some data visualizations and user research projects. It also includes a section for my personal photography.